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Nutrisal Gjærnæring TA3007
Midlertidig utsolgt

Nutrisal Gjærnæring

Gjærnæring i pulverform. Inneholder Diammonium Fosfat.

Perfekt for en jevn gjæring av frukt, grønnsak og blomsterviner.

Dosering 0,3-0,6 gram pr liter.

NB ! Tilsett alltid næringsstoffer FØR gjær.


Vinoferm Nutrisal

We hereby confirm and guarantee that the quality of the following goods meet EEC standards of quality.

The goods have been manufactured from the highest quality raw materials and are fit for food processing use. They have been laboratory controlled for pureness and quality.

The product is admitted as an additive under the current European legislation regarding the treatment of fruit juices and wines.

Product name Vinoferm Nutrisal

Description: Pure diammoniumphosphate for yeast nutrition in wine and beer production

Ingredients: Diammoniumhydrogenphosphate Appearance Crystalline white powder

Dosage: According to EU regulations, the maximum allowed dosage is 10 g / 10 litres of wine. Usual dosage is 3-6 g / 10 litres. Use Add Nutrisal before the yeast is added.

Dissolve in a small quantity of water or wine before adding to the tank. Mix well after addition

Storage conditions: To be stored in a cool place

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